Unfortunately, there is no good way to narrow a search to just sociology journals. There is a round-about way to do this. It won't pull up every sociology journal available, but it will get you started.
Go to the Databases tab of the HGTC library website. Go to A-Z Databases. Go to the A tab and open Academic Search Premier. Above the search box there is a blue link to Choose Databases. This will bring up a pop-up list of databases. Check the boxes next to Academic Search Premier, Military & Government Collection, Psychology & Behavioral Sciences Collection, and Criminal Justice Abstracts with Full Text. Next, type your search term(s) in the search box. Finally, in the Publications box (towards the bottom of the screen) put socio*. This will bring up any journal with the words sociology, sociologist, etc. in the title.
The problem with this method is that not all sociology journals have the word sociology or some variation in the title. So this is really limiting your results more than necessary, but it is the best way the databases offer.