Films on Demand is a collection of streaming videos from sources including PBS, History Channel, BBC, Nova, Biography, and many, many more. All the videos are educational or historical in nature.
Films on Demand can be accessed by going to the HGTC Library website and either choosing the Films on Demand link located under Featured Items or choosing the Databases tab, Databases A-Z, and F for Films. If you are off campus, you will have to login with your H number, just like with any of our library databases.
Once in Films on Demand, you can search for titles by keyword, or browse titles by subject or "special collection" (PBS, Ken Burns, BBC, Nova, etc.).
Each film includes a link to the suggested formatted MLA or APA citation, making it easy to cite in papers and research projects.
If your professor has provided a link to a film that is not working properly, please see the professor or a library staff member for assistance.