In APA format, the correct way to handle this is to move the title of the article to the place where the author's name would have been (before the publication date). Here is the basic format and an example:
Article title with only first word capitalized. (Year, Month). Journal Title in Italics with All Major Words Capitalized, Volume#(Issue#), beginning page#-end page#. doi:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Diabetes risk factors in children: A partnership between nurse practitioner and high school students. (2011). MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 36(1), 56-62. doi:10.1097/NMC.0b013e3181fc0d06
Remember to have a hanging indent for your citation. If the article does not have a DOI, you can just leave off that part.
For your in-text citations, since you do not have an author's name, use an abreviated version of the title. Using the example above, your in-text citation would be:
(Diabetes Risk Factors, 2011)
Please contact us again if you have more questions.